The power of trash-talking!

Horny Assassin's crazy victory set the mood of the tournament on a high.

"Horny!" "Horny!" "Horny!"

Even as he left the battle arena, his fans kept on yelling his name excitedly.

After the 4th individual battle of the day, it was break time before the next battle which would be the first team battle of the week. Despite it being break time, few players left to go do other things, the others stayed doggedly behind.

The voices of Horny Assassin's fans were soon drowned by the extremely excited voices of an even more avid fan base.

"Fish Trout!" "Fish Trout!" "Fish Trout!"

"Desert Gust, you're the best!"

"All hail the Berserker God!"

"All hail his sidekick, Saber Tongue!"

"We're the best team in the tournament!"

"It's coming home!"

They were not the only ones who cheered though, others also cheered.

"Eh! Eh! Eh! We're the Mountain Shakers!"

"Eh! Eh! Eh! We're the Mountain Shakers!"

"We'll level every mountain!"

"Shatter every rock!"

"Tear any obstacle!"