Growth and development

2 weeks after the swearing-in ceremony…

Geralt had a humble look on his face as he stood before the President.

Alongside the Vice President at the high seats, there was High Official Legolas, High Official Newton, and High Official Eleanor. While below were other distinguished individuals in Planet Darvis who attended this special occasion.

After 2 weeks since the swearing-in ceremony, the President finally decided on the next High Official of Planet Darvis who would take his Vice's position.

After accepting the physical mantle of authority as a High Official from the president which was a mini Axe made using the newly mined Arcanite, Geralt turned to face the spectators as he raised his right hand and swore.

"I, Geralt Silvertongue, do swear in the name of God and all Supers that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of our beloved Planet as by law established and that I will discharge the duty upon which I am about to enter".