Planet Titania

The Roronoa Star System was a giant void of floating debris.

Through the see-through transparent screen of the Frigate, Champion Onana watched with his Cutting-Edge technology transformable Rifle placed on his shoulder. His fingers slowly stroked and caressed the weapon's metal edges.

Seated on a chair like an Emperor, he watched with amusement in his eyes.

Through the see-through screen, he could see the floating debris and space junk in space. All these seemed to speak a long history of an old once thriving Space ecosystem and a likely Empire that ruled it all.

"What a sad story". He muttered.

"The floating junks all sing a different story of the disaster".

His 2 cyborg eyes each glowing red and blue pulsed as he seemed to be reading history through the metallic junk. "It was intense".

"Ahh…, the General's take was wrong all along".

"They have the wrong history".