The Battleship Plan

"2 Battleships and 8 Combat Carriers, that's a powerful force". Gorgon frowned as he looked at the Summoner who just returned from his space trip.

"That's powerful but I don't believe that this is their full force".

All the faces in the hall turned towards Legolas again. "Explain".

Legolas already thought up an explanation ahead of time. "Think about it, the fleet composition I just called is powerful but it stretches the line between the margin of their strength and ours too close".

"The Naks have always banked their invasion on their vastly superior strength in the form of their Battleships, their knowledge and technology".

"Do you really think they'll arrogantly decide to annihilate us through a campaign they call the Cataclysm without being absolutely sure of wiping us out?"

"To me, from what I've observed, they act only when they're sure of victory".

Gorgon rubbed his chin in thought.