
The main cannon of the Golden Cicada shook as it unleashed its payload.


From the muzzle of the main cannon, the solid projectile was launched out at a crazy momentum even as lethal laser energy followed it.

The Golden Cicada's main cannon made use of an expensive new Spaceship technology that combined both physical projectiles and laser energy in one cannon.

The Space Bugs saw it but they could do nothing to stop it.

With the laser energy clearing the path before the projectile, every Common Space Bug that came in contact with it was evaporated from the extreme heat. Not even the defensive measures of the Special Space Bugs was able to stop it.

It went through all the obstacles straight at it's intended destination, the lair of the Unique Space Bug.

This was when a powerful shriek filled with Psychic energy blasted out.


Following the loud shriek was a powerful silver barrier created out of Psychic energy as the projectile finally collided against it.