Blade Specialty- Twilight; Dawn of Doom!

The Golden Cicada was a walking disaster.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Everywhere around the powerful Heavy Cruiser was a total scene of destruction. Its powerful main canon unleashed powerful shots at intervals, reaping a lot of lives while terraforming the surface of Planet Darvis.

It's main turrets and torpedo launchers unleashed their payloads at regular intervals, giving the Superhumans a constant dose of suffering.

Its main weapon armaments were not the only stars in this show though. Even as the gigantic Heavy Cruiser lumbered forward, patrolling the whole Planet, it's secondary weapon armaments also unleashed their payloads.

Hundreds of guided missiles were already launched at the Superhumans.

Battleship turrets and other Artillery weapons pitted in with their firepower, painting a picture of doom and destruction as the Golden Cicada patrolled.

Blood and fire painted Planet Darvis red.

This was the real Cataclysm.