Climax; fighting against a Grade B Mechanic! [2]

~Silver Surfer~

{WARNING! Magnetic Pull detected!}

{WARNING! Flight System not powerful enough to counter Magnetic Force!}

{WARNING! Losing flight control…!}


The once majestic mechanic suit that had caused so much terror to the warriors and forces of Planet Darvis faltered as it spiraled out of control.

Champion Onana lost control over his own mechanic suit.

"Silver Surfer, tell me what that beast is!" Champion Onana roared!

~Silver Surfer~

{Affirmative Master!}

{Searching database for information matching target beast…, please wait…}

The formidable processing power of the high-grade mechanic suit was put to work, and in the midst of the chaotic and fast-paced battle, the mech suit finished its search in mere milliseconds as it displayed the results.

{Target Beast Found!}

{Specie Name: Komodo Dragon!}

{Unique Status Detected: Guardian Komodo Dragon!}