Legolas Baron

"Less than 6 months…"

It was a single sentence but it was a powerful one.

This single sentence was what prompted Planet Darvis into action. Seeing Champion Onana's charts and virtual projections was one thing, but imagining the scenario of facing the real thing was an entirely different thing.

All the Grade C Superhumans were grounded in reality.

'This is war!'

'Our lives are at stake and we need to do everything to survive!'

'Afterall, in war, there are no rules to survival, just survive!'

Instantly after that single sentence, President Shanks took over from there.

On his orders, 5 Grade C Superhumans escorted Champion Onana and an entourage of Superhumans to the different prisons where the Nak Champions were held as prisoners.

Of course, Champion Onana's first demand was releasing his people.

While this went on, at the same time, the surviving traitors of the Clown Society who took refuge with the Nak Navy also received special attention.