Civil War

"Tell me…, what really is your plan?"

Edgar's tone already told Legolas that something was wrong, turning to look at this warrior's eyes, he confirmed it.

Doubt and uncertainty reflected from Edgar's eyes.

Legolas sat back down and silently looked back at him.

Edgar did not flinch from his gaze. "Have you forgotten?"

"You are the closest confidant of his Almighty the Hermit, you knew when he successfully convinced me into accepting my destiny as the savior of my planet".

"I accepted my destiny because I believed that I can save my planet through yours and his Almighty's help, that was my only motivation".

"I've supported your plans all the way also because of this motivation".

"I need you to explain things to me, what is your plan?"

"Without knowing it, I'll be reluctant to continue supporting you unconditionally. My point stands, I will not do anything that will lead to an acceleration of the destruction of my planet".