The Cosmic Cataclysm! [2]


"Order Acknowledged!"

If Champion Onana had a game interface, at this moment, as soon as he entered the cockpit of his mech suit, he would have seen the virtual notification notifying him that he already entered an adrenaline state.

This warrior could feel his pulse racing, he felt his blood pump faster.

Sweat gathered on his forehead, he felt his body metabolism increase.

As soon as the news came, while still in the meeting, General Aztog already contacted all the higher-ups and Captains of the alliance Navy.

As soon as Champion Onana gave the order, they all came out.

The Golden Cicada, the Legolas Baron, and the Lumberjack led the other Battleships as the Flagships of this alliance troop that was far stronger than before.

The Destroyers before them, the Battle Cruiser, and the only Frigate, the Roman Rider, were all warming their weapons and flight systems for the war.

When Champion Onana's call finally came now, they all answered.