
Outside Planet Darvis, a gigantic Red Fox hovered in space.

"Special Bloodline Ability: Star Travel".


Another Fox penetrated the veil of the Planet the next moment, exceeding it's escape gravity as it floated into space. Lucky floated straight towards the direction where the Red Fox currently waited for her.

"You kept me waiting". Redmane's deep voice reverberated.

"I'm sorry, there were a lot of things to do". Lucky replied as she stared down at the gigantic planet from her vantage point.

Looking down at this Planet from this vantage point, you could clearly see the amount of damage that it suffered. This Planet was no longer purely green, blue, and lush when viewed from space, it now had patches of red and black.

"Planet Darvis suffered a lot from the war, a lot of people that I knew and was close to died, I had to take my time to do the needful before coming here".