Special Ability- Vocal Cord of the Rafous Nightingale!


[You have unlocked Additional Reward- Special Ability: Vocal Cord of the Rafous Nightingale!]

>Vocal Cord of the Rafous Nightingale: When activated, your vocal cords gain the incredible properties of the Rafous Nightingale. Your ability to fully embody an emotion, predicament, or pretense increases exponentially<

*During negotiations, your charm increases exponentially through your voice, making your negotiation opponent much more vulnerable to you

*During battle, your taunts hits 10 times harder, making your opponents easily riled up and to lose their cool in battle

*While threatening a target, when activated, your voice automatically increases your aura, making you seem stronger and more dangerous than you actually are

*Your ability to fake any type of emotion through your voice has increased exponentially, you can easily fool others with your voice

[Remark: With this ability, you have the potential of becoming the greatest charlatan in the Universe!]