Warp travel


As soon as all the members of the gray world gathering were teleported back, Legolas took a deep breath as he dropped the persona of the Hermit.

Legolas turned to look at Aaron. "Thank you".

The old Elementalist's had a poker look on. "For what?"

"Stop it for once old man". Legolas chuckled. "I know you don't really have a chance against me which played a big role, but still, thanks for your cooperation throughout the years".

"If you remained stubborn like before, snapping at me every time that I came here, I would have never been calm and calculating enough to face the Bug Emperor".

"Besides, thank you for your mana when I needed it the most".

"Don't mention". Aaron waved his hand.

"You seem to be blushing". Legolas laughed as he stood up from the throne of the Hermit before walking towards the old man.