Escape or Rescue?

'What should I do?' Legolas at this moment was caught between a rock and a hard place.

'They may have only 2 Grade B Supers but that does not guarantee victory, this is not a planetary battle, this is a galactic battle situation'.

'They have 7 Light Frigates!'

'No matter how powerful and resilient of a Spaceship that Ella was able to build for me, and despite being a Heavy Cruiser, the Legolas Baron stands no chance, especially now that they already hijacked the civilian ships'.

'That makes it 10 against my lone Heavy Cruiser'.

'Taking them head-on will lead to us being wiped out, it's definitely not advisable but letting so many Naks die is also not advisable'.

He felt conflicted. 'This is no longer like my time before meeting the Naks, my relationship with Champion Onana is no longer like before'.

'Of course, I'm not obligated to put my life on the line for him but I'm now in his territory. Not just that, I have favors to ask of him and his master'.