Bounty Mission- Hunt!

Planet Azure Curtain…

"What does the book say?"

Uranus had a serious look on his face. "It doesn't say much about his power but without a doubt, this warrior is versatile and has a lot of abilities".

"It says he has magic spells to change his face and appearance".

"His spells are mostly shadow spells and his most powerful spell is also a shadow spell, it's called the Binding Shadow and it's pretty notorious".

"Witnesses from mercenaries who have seen it in action says that you feel your whole body petrify like the devil is staring into your soul".

"This makes you vulnerable, giving the Shadow Mage all the initiative".

"Another thing is, he is not human, it says here that he is a reptile…"

Blade looked at Uranus then back at his paper.

"That is just one of his many forms".