The Beast Priests!

Planet Titania…

Champion Onana left the management of this planet under the hands of a few subordinates and friend that he trusted. Alongside these few trusted subordinates, Ella helped them in managing the planet.

50 years was a long period of time.

During this period, Planet Titania was not idle.

Under Ella's masterful leadership, this planet already morphed, already turning into an industrial behemoth that defined the new Roronoa Star System.

Planet Titania was no longer hidden to Planet Darvis, trade now went on between these 2 planets and even as far as beyond the Roronoa Star System.

Planet Dearth, the last surviving planet of the Roronoa Star System was also no longer just a dead planet, with Ella's help and resources from outside this star system, Planet Dearth was already transformed into a livable planet.

During her 8 years tenure in charge, President Lydia thoroughly transformed Planet Darvis into a thriving planet of this star system, colonizing Planet Dearth.