Battle for Planet Kronic Beam Ring! [3]

Planet Kronic Beam Ring moved!

"…!" Admiral Zhao's eyes widened in horror.

The words of the young Summoner reverberated in his head again.

Then, he asked. "Another thing, Planet Kronic Beam Ring is located right at the heart of Nak State, something not even the Ackermann dares to target, what gives the beasts the confidence?"

"How do they intend to take something this big in their possession?"

"Afterall, a planet cannot be moved".

Legolas did not answer immediately but he answered later.

"The Shelter Priest".

"Huh?" He was confused.

The young Summoner explained. "The Shelter Priest is one of the oldest and most important Beast Priests to the Beast Coalition, just like the Dog Priest".

"It has very few abilities but every single one of them is a killer".

"The Beast King relies on one of them to get something as big as Planet Kronic Beam Ring into his possession, the Shelter Priest named it Spatial Expatriation".

"Have you ever wondered how the Shelter Priest got so big?"