Negotiation; change of status

"Do you want anything else?"

Hearing this question, Legolas' brain geared into overdrive.

This was the President of Nak State asking him for anything else that he wanted. In his current level of operation and influence, he could not meet an individual of higher esteem and power to receive this favor from.

This was the goal that he had been working towards so hard.

This was his dream of 50 years.

His goals chart briefly floated before his head again.

'Accurately predict the plans and events of the Beast Coalition in Nak State, planning towards intercepting them'. He marked this as complete in his mind.

'Stop the disaster of Planet Kronic Beam Ring'. He also marked this as complete in his mind.

'Establish self as an indispensable part of the Beast Coalition resistance'. Just a few seconds ago, this became completed and it opened the door to fulfilling every single one of his other goals in his goals chart.

'Get resources'. He marked this as pending.