Training [2]

[Your opponent has accepted your challenge!]

[5,000 Contribution Points have been deducted!]

[Please make your way to the combat arena!]

[Failure to do so means automatic forfeit!]

Legolas did not hesitate.

Picking up his Obsidian Spear that had been at his side while he trained to his body's full potential for days, he levitated towards the combat arena.

As a Grade B Super, Legolas still didn't have the power to levitate on sheer energy alone, instead what he used was a gravity boot.

It enabled him to levitate by burning energy.

His speed was fast, he arrived in just 5 seconds.


He landed just outside the combat arena.

At this moment, a massive blue shield encompassed the combat arena, a shield that was powerful enough to withstand the casual attack of a Calamity Grade Super.

Despite the fact that this battle was just organized a few seconds ago, over a hundred Pugilist trainees were already gathered at this moment.