The power of time!


[Congratulations! You have mastered the essence of time energy!]

[You have understood the concept of Time Control!]

[You have understood the concept of Acceleration and Deceleration!]

[You have unlocked a Special Bloodline Ability: Temporal Control; Pause!]

>When activated, time pauses for 4 seconds within your vicinity ranging from 1 kilometer to 10 kilometers depending on potency of temporal energy supplied, enabling you to do anything<

[You have unlocked a Special Bloodline Ability: Temporal Control; Acceleration!]

>When activated, you gain the ability to accelerate time. This ability ranges from accelerating time on a weapon, to accelerating time to enemies, on oneself, and on even external objects like buildings and warships<

[NOTE: Time can be accelerated on anything so long there is enough energy to build the required momentum.]

[Congratulations! You have mastered a new type of energy- Temporal Energy!]