The plan [2]

"The key to the plan is one of the Beast Priests".

"The Shelter Priest".

In Planet Crimson Ring, a certain Admiral's face twitched as he heard that sentence alone but he did a good job in keeping a straight face reaction to it.

"For 3 years, the Shelter Priest was not focused on stealing parts of territories and resources of the Nak and Ackermann States for nothing".

"His role is extremely important to the establishment of the Beast Empire which is the number 1 driving force of the Beast King".

"Everything that the Beast King had done and achieved till now, it was driven by his desire to see an Empire where beasts are no longer oppressed".

"An Empire where beasts are no longer slaves but are sovereign".

"Due to his life experiences, he believes the Beast Coalition and the current war is the only way to achieve his goal and hence, his ruthlessness".

"To achieve his goal, the Beast King is ready to do and sacrifice anything".