Meeting ElKing

Planet Crimson Aegis, the capital planet of the Crimson Dynasty…

Being one of the 3 Universal Civilizations ruling the universe, the capital planet of the Crimson Dynasty was incredible, reflecting majesty and might.

There were 3 zones to this planet, the outer zone, the inner zone, and the core zone where only the most important individuals of the Crimson Dynasty had access to.

The outer zone that was open to outsiders was where the trade hub and meeting spots among all the powers of the universe was located.

All other civilizations across the universe sucked up to the 3 Universal Civilizations, the traffic in Planet Crimson Aegis' outer zone was always boisterous, President Dunk of Nak State came here long ago when he was younger.

The Azure Pantheon was the most superstitious of the 3 universe rulers.

The Warlord Alliance was the most militaristic of the 3.