Chapter 3 - Eat Grass not grASS

"vey is you. so Hmmm." After spending the next 5 days with these dim witted people. I started to learn their language and i taught them my language. Rocco seems to be asking how i became strong. He didnt know the word for strong. So he just tapped his bicep. Using a mixture of words and miming to communicate. I just shrug and give him a noncommittal answer. Which he accepts.

I thought that there would be some time for me to stay alone and think about my situation for a bit. But i managed to meet people Hours into my supposed extended isolation. The split mind and me. Discussed methods to approach settlements and strategies that would help me to integrate with out being vocally diplomatic. It seems like all that planning wasnt needed.

Initially it was getting dark after spending some time trying to establish communication as a cross dimensional ambassador of my people. I offered to let them stay the night. But it seems like they took that as an invitation to move in. I was happy to have company, i dont have real experience in surviving in the wilds.

The split mind has prepared me slightly, but most of it were things that i already knew. There weren't any advanced survival skills like tying twin into rope or methods for tanning leathers. Stuff like that. Its also good to have some people to talk to, we are working on that part. But them being here, shaved months off my plans.

I dont really buy into Yorgoth's crap. But at least the first part of his plan is purely my survival and eventually achieving the ability to thrive. It was for me to first get used to my new body. Which i was doing, while learning with the three men. The second part was to find an isolated settlement that have low external foot traffic. So that if communications are bad they cant complain to a higher power.

I was told that these villages dont usually have the magical equivalent to a phone. There was the possibility, but i had to take the risk. The third part was to secretly get them to teach me the language. Without having it get out. This kingdom i am in, is extremely xenophobic and isolationist. I am supposed to pose as a local and a local that doesnt speak the language, has to be a foreigner.

I would like to say my world evolved passed doing such things, but they didnt. Saying that would be unfair. It was only a couple hundred years after the medieval ages. Technology advanced to fast for us to catch up culturally. A problem that i would have to deal with, if i introduce advanced technology. But thats putting the cart before the horse.

"Yur hangury. I me am food here bring" I badly speak in the a language that i learned was called High Gurllack. Its phonetically said like that, but the meaning is Language of the strongman. Or the powerful's language. The 'high' prefix means that there is a bastardized version.

"Are you hungry. I will bring food" He corrects me, doing a handmotion to indicate that he is correcting my words. A teaching method that i taught him, to let me learn faster.

"Do you want? Yes?" It would have taken weeks to reach my level in language comprehension. My mental ability seem to be vastly improved compared to before. Unlike me the three men have a very small competence level.

"Yes. i want some food." Rocco is doing best out of all the three men. Remembering about twice as many words. But he is still very bad. Its similar to someones french level if they study a few hours a week and stop for a couple years.

"Okay I am go" The teaching method i decided on, for my English lessons. was the point at something and say its name. with a few pronouns, past and present verbs. Stuff like that, but otherwise only word association.

"Hey bossman. How have you been doing" Rievis the butch looking man. Bandana and face scars. He would look like an action hero in a certain gear named game if he wasnt so dirty and unkempt.

"You shpeak English. have You to improfe if are not." I reprimand him. I might stop teaching them, but i already went this far. Its better to just seriously teach them.

"Is rock. Is hard. Is umh..." He trys to convey that its difficult for him. Considering how much they are struggling to learn it. It seems like all three are earnestly trying to learn.

After correcting him, I go to the kitchen. A place that Merar the Portly man has made himself completely home at. He has a neck beard and would look just like a reddit mod if he was in my world.

"Is food good now. We hungry." I ask Merar. He has been butchering the food that i hunted. a hidden talent that i didnt know was hidden in me. When i return to my old world, i will start hunting with a rifle. It might seem lackluster compared to the fantastical game living in this forest.

"Yesh. Fud Gud." He slowly drags a spit roasted panther-hippo hybrid creature, seasoned with herbs and wild vegetables. The cooked muscle drips fat into the embered wood, wasting the most delicious part.

Most of the animals surrounding my cabin, have been fully hunted. Far before i came here. I had to go a ways out to find this bastard. He hid in a natural cover. Spending hours sitting in one place. Made it confident enough to come out of its hiding place. Letting me almost split it in half, when i threw my hatchet.

"Give here." I pick it up with almost no effort. My body is impossibly strong. The body is about 2/3 of my own body weight, but picking it up with one hand is effortless. My strength has to be magically enhanced in some way.

As i go along. I call for everyone to gather for the feast. They practically run to the eating area. Its just a table out in the front yard. A leather tarp is placed on top of it to set the food on. I plop it down and just as fast. Greedy fingers reach to tear juicy chunks. I put my hand on one of the legs and give a big pull. It tears off.

I am physically larger then the men, so i eat in higher proportions to them. A catch this large would have been eaten over months, supplemented with grains or something low calorie. But it has already been about 8 animals fully consumed by us. Confused to why they were so veracious, it was explained to me that the animals where they live are much weaker then these one.

Yorgoth has told me that i could improve my strength by absorbing the latent vitality from the corpses of strong creatures. Something that might tempt others to commit cannibalism on me. As my body is extremely strong and vigorous. More reason to get so strong that it wouldnt happen.

It seems like the reason that they decided to stay here was for more reasons then me being a really cool guy. I start picking my teeth with blade of Grass. as i just finished the whole leg like it wasnt there.