Chapter 106

The labor pain may have been reduced to a certain degree but that didn't exempt Auroea from pushing the baby out, and that was the heaviest task of all. She bit her lips, held on to the midwives as tight as she can and screamed. Princess Aeryn stood close to Lord Balrus as they looked on, Lord Angun had gone outside to get some fresh air. It was so vivid that Angun felt uncomfortable around women labors. 

This wasn't the first time, when Lord Angun's wife gave birth, Lord Angun had never been inside the midwives' chamber nor did he sit outside and waited out the new born. The screams and agony of a woman giving birth traumatized him and he always opted to stay away from it. 

Lord Balrus leaned in on Princess Aeryn "It isn't what you expected princess, is it?" he asked as usual with his riddles and not clearly specifying what he really means. 


"I mean… a son"