05- Such Insolence!

The new environment amidst an enormous monolithic atmosphere is not something of Fahmi's preference.

He is a quiet guy most of the time. Certainly, he is a jolly one but that is amidst only his peers.

Otherwise, he likes to keep it quiet and act even dressed like in a way that anyone will barely notice him.

But right now, he feels like hundreds of eyes will pierce him like arrows at any moment!

He felt anxious, sweating more.

He again attempted a prudent effort to make himself excuse from this drastic measure. He is also almost running to keep at the pace of the royalties in front of him!

: Aham! Madam! Um It is such an important day! It would not look good if a driver enters with royalty like your family right!"

She laughed.

: "You have a valid point there." She paused for a moment. Probably trying to search for some persuasive point. "However" she continued "even though your position is trivial in the official hierarchy, you are almost one of the most important employees in my Son's life!"

He could not argue back on that concept, nor had time for it. They arrived at the main office compartment.

She paused for a moment, took a deep breath, and smiled at Mr. Rafsan while spreading her hand.

He stood beside her and took her stretched hand wrapped into his arm. Fahmi stood behind them.

She then opened the door with one hand and entered.

Obviously, everyone was waiting for it.

All the employees who work in that office.

The superiors and manager-type staff separated into one line, some of them with flowers.

The rest of the employees flocked together here and there in a bunch.

Everyone greeted together "Good morning"

Both parties smiled and waved at each other.

Then except the highest or perhaps chosen one for today lead the new director and his team to the conference room.

The first thing Fahmi noticed inside that big, flashy, decorative room is the food that was kept on the table! His mouth sort of water just by looking at the package!

The rest of them sat on the definitive chair and there was no chair for him. He felt relieved that finally, he could escape from this grim environment, but not for too long.

M.rs Razia ordered someone to bring a chair and prepare a food package.

He sat by the corner of the door, away from the row, and totally seemed like an anomaly!

And surprisingly she did not protest this odd idea!

They started as traditionally as they should be.

She sat in the middle keeping Rafsan and Mr. Azam on both sides at the end of the long table.

They started introducing each other along with a little drop of comments to Rafsan.

He nodded and smiled in return.

By the time it was going on Fahmi got his food and wondered if it is suitable to start eating.

Having a delicious food package in hand increased his hunger even more.

He kept peeking between his food and the people talking.

That...Rafsan noticed!

He frowned and stared at him.

He felt like not a full-grown man, not to mention older than him sitting on the corner.

Rather a restless high-schooler who is excited about an upcoming game!

Perhaps his gaze was penetrating enough that made Fahmi look at him.

Their eyes met and Rafsan's frown only deepened.

Fahmi tried to smile but it rather came out awkward. Watching another glimpse of the same stupidity Rafsan sighed and averted his eyes concentrating on the occasion.

And that moment Mrs. Razia told Fahmi to introduce himself!

He stood up and slightly bowed everyone with a good morning. He likes this Japanese standard of greetings.

: My name is Fahmi. I am Mr. Rafsan's driver. Pleased to meet you, everyone.

He said with a bright smile.

Rafsan was looking at him like everyone as an audience as well. He again felt that weird sensation in his heart!

"Was it a missed heartbeat!" He pondered unconsciously!

The moment Fahmi finished a lower murmur broke out inside the room.

As expected of the prideful higher employees.

Mrs. Razia took her time to respond for some unknown reason. As if purposefully offering them time to be sunk into that information.

: well! Ladies and gentlemen. I guess that is all for today. Thank you very much for all the efforts you have made" She said as a finishing line.

: "It was our pleasure, Madam." Replied one of the comparatively young female employees. Though she tried to smile it showed the aftermath awkwardness that Fahmi triggered.

It is impossible for them to accept a mere driver being inside the same room as an important person on such a significant occasion.

Such insolence!

But, nobody could say anything out loud because it was the authority's decision.

Nevertheless, the awkwardness can be read wide open on the faces.

Fahmi thought, his life just turned into hell for no bleeding reason! He wanted to cry and curse!

Then Mrs. Razia resumed.

: All of you are perhaps quite uneasy about Fahmi being here?  She asked with an arched eyebrow.

: "Hahaha...no no! If that is your decision..." Another employee of a mid-forty male tried to defend.

: well you see he is an important person. Will drive my son. It is almost like My son's life will be in his hand" She gave a dramatic pause, letting the absurd yet stubborn idea sink into their minds with solid rationality. "Hence, I wanted to introduce him so that both of you know each other in case of any emergency!"

That as ridiculous as it sounds literally lit them up!

Almost together everyone agreed!

: "So then I will leave my precious son, to your care!"  She finished it with it.

And greeted everyone once more, leaving the room with the 3 of them.

Fahmi sighed on his way!

Mrs. Razia smiled sheepishly!

: "So, Fahmi! Did anything go wrong for you!"

He looked at her, saw her smile, and shook his head hard while smiling back widely.

"Damn! This woman is intelligent and calculative!" He thought!


She has been handling the position for decades while having a sly fox like Mr. Azam beside her, not for nothing!