First City

Even though I needed to wait another two years to attend the school, Mother had decided I was old enough to follow her on a trip to the mainland to explore. Which means Mother was taking me to the Lehcarouc Kingdom itself for our shopping trip.

It was my first time flying over a long distance and Mother made it look easy.

Like, I knew about migratory birds and all so I figured that there was a lot of gliding involved. Yet knowing and doing it were two very different things.

We started out before the sun had even appeared and we only saw land when the sun was rising to its highest point in the sky. Mother even had to carry me along to speed up the journey when I was tired and when she sped up, she really sped up.

I have a feeling that a normal ten year old Meslatar isn't supposed to be able to fly such long distances on their own…

Regardless, I can see land! And there's a city too!