Deepsea Merfolk Merrick

Turns out, the pirate's ship really contained most of the loot.

In fact, there was quite a significant amount too, with Emilia estimating the value of their cargo to be at least the same as the pirate captain's bounty which was more than enough compensation for her even after splitting it three ways.


Like real, honest to god, chocolate! Not those that were used to wrap up that Grey Powder or whatever!

Om nom nom nom nom nom~

"Wahaha~ Sister Aster looks so happy!"

I looked up from the chocolate I was stuffing in my mouth, "Mmfff? Didj' yew shay sumthin'?"

"Nothin'! Is it nice?"

"They're yummy~"


For some reason, Odeta seemed to be laughing for no reason but that's fine, these chocolates really are delish!