Dragonslayers Are Big Deals

Thankfully, Instructor Henry helped Odeta and I by getting the Mercenaries to calm down and back away from us.

Apparently, all of them wanted to have the chance to duel someone with the Dragonslayer title because it's seen as some kind of honour.

Like 'hey, I once had the chance to spar with a Dragonslayer! No cap!' kind of boast you could tell your friends.

We were separated and gathered back in our groups and I found Andrew, the Off-Worlder who had that [Dating Sim] boon and attempted to use it on me last year, approaching me.

"This is why I try not to stand out…" He whispered while trying to look discreet. "But seriously… Did you actually kill a dragon?"

I nodded, "Yeah. I found a Dungeon near my old place and trained myself there. One of the floor bosses was the infant dragon that I was talking about.

"Is that how you got that strong?"