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Well fuck, looks like that was a Shadow Summon all along, that guy wasn't even in front of us from the very start.

No wait… When I used [Screened] on him when we first met, it showed that it was the real person. If it was a Shadow Summon, there should have been something there that said it was a Shadow Summon, right?

So I was definitely beating up the real guy the entire time and he somehow managed to switch places with his Shadow Summon partway through…

Wait, is that also a spell that you are able to cast? Where you can switch places with your Shadow Summon?

I tried to think of the spell and… Nothing happened.

If there was really such a spell for this, then it should have popped into my head the moment I thought about it.

I briefly hypothesised that it might be due to my proficiency in Umbramancy being insufficient but I remembered that this guy's proficiency with it was the same as mine so that could not be the case.