He's Way Stronger

The Off-Worlder definitely understood that I was not going to take his side and I was prepared to fight.

No other words were exchanged as we lowered ourselves to a combat stance.

First thing I tried was to try and shoot a [Laser] at him aimed at his leg.

Something appeared where my laser would have hit him and I barely managed to duck my head in time as my own [Laser] got reflected back directly at me.

He didn't even wait for the spell to dissipate before he lunged towards me, a sword appearing through a portal to drop in his hand.

I pulled out my own sword as well while I used [Light Forge] to materialise a full suit of armour around myself.

He raised his hand above his head, preparing to attack me with an overhead slash.

I lifted my own sword in preparation to receive it, only to see that his figure suddenly blurred and he disappeared from view.