Dealing With Undead Could Be Monotonous

Instead of going back to the tent to wait for them, I decided to just watch the fight from a distance instead.

I mean, this was an opportunity for me to see how professionals would deal with a horde of monsters so that I can learn some military tactics.

Right now, it seems like they are holding their ground in a phalanx formation and cutting down the undead that were just chagrin mindlessly towards their ranks.

I thought that they would just stay there and keep poking the undead with their spears but then I realised that they were very slowly inching their way forward towards the entrance of the Dungeon.

And it looks like when the spearmen at the front start getting tired of thrusting their spear, the one behind will quickly step up to take their place.

The same goes for if they get hit by one of the undead, they would also quickly fall back and let their healers at the back heal them.