How To Split Your Mind

"Ok, you can send these fifty to this floor and they should be able to clear them out. Then this floor… I think we might need a little more so I'll send a hundred. As for this floor. Looks pretty small and the Monster Girls there don't look too strong… I think fifteen will do… No scratch that. We might as well be safe. Twenty it is."

"Ermm… Excuse me?"

I turned to look at Verdam with a tilt of my head, "What is it?"

"I'm not dreaming am I? This is actually real? No… Are these illusions?" He asked, looking pointedly at the rows upon rows of my Shadow Guards all lining up to wait their turn to be sent to a Dungeon floor.

"I assure you that they are all real," I told him as a matter of factly. "Didn't you already use your [Screened] to see their stats already?"

"Yeah… I see it… But I'm still working on believing it… What kind of magic is this?"

"Well… Let's just say that I managed to get my hands on an artefact that allowed me to do this."