He's Trying To Transform His Way Out

I watched the Off-Worlder get beaten by the Marchioness for another hour before she seemed to have finally gotten a little tired from it.

She turned to me, "Aster! Beat him up for me! I want to see how you fight this one!"

Eh? Wait… Why does she want me to get involved in this?

"Come on, Aster! Don't tell me you never wanted to smack him in the face! This is the time to do it!"

Well… If she put it like that… Of course I was going to say yes.

I think Unerolia now wants to see two Off-Worlders duking it out or something?

Anyway, I left the table and leapt out into the arena, taking Unerolia's place and standing in front of the idiot who was currently laying on his back on the ground making pathetic groaning noises.

Then again, I guess getting smashed into the ground repeatedly by a wooden sword does result in such a sight.

I picked up the wooden sword that Unerolia had stuck into the ground for me and faced the Off-Worlder.