Bandits Vs Mercenaries

"Bandits! Bandit ambush!!" Someone shouted.

"Fuck! My sword's in my tent!"

"Healer! I need a healer!"

"Assemble on me!! Form a defensiv-- Arrrrgghhh!! My arm!!"

"Get to cover! Hurry! Mages! Slow them down!"


I felt Katsuki pull on my arm, just in time to get me out of the path of an arrow that was shot at me.

For now, I stuffed the wrapper containing the toasted bread in between my chest while Katsuki led me to take cover using the stall as a shield.

"By the Gods! Pull yourself together! Don't you die on me, you hear?!" The other Rejmar cried, shaking his friend that had been shot by the arrow.

The swordsman and swordswoman had already run off to get their weapons that they kept in their tent while the mage had gone off to join the fight.