We're Going To Raid Their Camp

Unerolia started reading through the file that Mother gave her.

I turned to Mother who had already handed over the coins the Marchioness gave her to Mary, the Trasif maid receiving them with a low bow.

"Mommy? Why are there more bandits around here?" I asked, curious about the answer myself.

"Ufufufu~ There's no need for my little one to be worried about~ We will take care of them~"

"I just want to know the reason though?"

"Ara, ara~ My little one is curious it seems~ Ufufufu~ Very well, Mary?"

The Trasif maid immediately pulled out another folder out of thin air before handing it to me.

Seems like she already expected that I would also ask for one I guess?

Taking the folder from her, I flipped it open and started to read through its contents.

Hmm… Hmm… I see…

So apparently someone had been going around wiping out bandit groups in this area which made the remaining bandit groups nervous.