I went back to the camp with my Shadow Guards carrying the rest of the bandits and handed them to the guards to deal with.
When I went to find Mother, I found her sitting on the bed while Unerolia was sprawled face first on the ground with her butt raised in the air.
Her body was spasming from time to time and her eyes were rolled to the back of her head.
There were two prominent handprints on her bare bottom so I guess it's obvious what happened here…
"Ara, ara~ Welcome back, my little one~ Ufufufu~ How was your little adventure?" Mother asked, not even commenting on the Marchioness that was still on the floor.
"Ummm… It went well I guess… There was an Off-Worlder that was also there…"
"Ara, ara? So there really was an Off-Worlder involved?"
"Umm… Not on the bandits side…"
"Mmm~ So it's an Off-Worlder destroying the bandits that is causing the bandits to group up together?"
I nodded to confirm her thoughts.