Aerial Battle

I turned myself to face the group of bandits that were currently diving towards me, my wings flaring in preparation to fly up to meet them.

Katsuki was beside me as well and I didn't need to ask her to know that she intends to join me in this fight as well, even though she was completely reliant on Eins to carry her in the air but I trust them.

With a flap of my wings, I shot myself upwards to meet the diving bandits head on.

They must not have expected me to actually do a counter charge since a few of them actually slowed down their dive.

That was their mistake as it now created two groups where one side had no problem with continuing the charge while the others were hesitating about whether they should press on or not.

And it just so happens that there were two of us…

Well, ok, there's three but I'm counting Katsuki and Eins as one since they need to be together but you get my point.