Events unfolding (Edited)


Firstly, thank you so much for clicking on this book, I promise I won't disappoint you.

Ohm, this is my first time writing on this app, so bear with me if I might go a bit wrong or delay uploading as this is just a hobby so far.

I would also welcome helpful criticism and suggestions from my readers as you are my strength and eyes too.

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"You're a piece of trash, look at you, just look at you and then look at me." Amandla watched Patrick blankly, this couldn't be happening to her, right? She secretly pinched herself and looked at the whole school, people were recording videos, some were laughing as others were taking photos. "You're an embarrassment," he continued as if relishing every word that he spat out to her.

Suddenly she felt dizzy, her body felt weak, and before she could think about fainting someone roughly grabbed her and dragged her away from the platform. She was made to sit on a toilet seat in the washroom. "Look at you girl, what on earth is wrong with you!" Lucy yelled continuously.

At that moment, the dam in her head broke and tears streamed down her face, why? She thought silently as warm tears continued trickling down her cheeks. Lucy let her cry her eyes out before taking her away from the school. "Where are we going to?" she asked so softly when Lucy sped out of the university gates.

"Somewhere that can lift your mood. Girl! You need serious change, look at you!"

Amandla didn't say anything more until they stopped at the city's huge mall. She turned to look at Lucy who was all smiles. Tsk, this girl and shopping, she thought silently. "How is shopping supposed to help me?" she asked expressionlessly.

Lucy jumped out of the car and dragged her along. This was one of the reasons she should have enrolled in the karate class near her neighborhood she damn needed strength, for now, she let Lucy drag her inside.

"Now, let's buy you some tasty snacks that will surely lift your mood." At the mention of food, Amandla's mood brightened up a bit, food was third to her best thing, well that was after sleep obviously and of course the first… "Hurry, will you?" Lucy fussed.

"Coming," she called as Lucy led her to the ice cream parlor. Just the sight of the ice cream adverts itself made her drool. Taking seats by a free table near the window facing the streets, they ordered their favorite ice creams.

"I knew this had to work on you," Lucy commented once Amandla had dug into her ice cream delightfully. Amandla was about to respond when Lucy's phone rang and her expression changed abruptly. "Wait…what! I'm on my way." She quickly hung up and gave Amandla a horrified look before getting up. "Amy, you can get a cab plus here's my card." She placed her credit card on the table.

"What's wrong Lucy?" she asked trying to read her face for any more clues.

"My, brother got an accident, it isn't that serious but I have to go, I'm sorry for leaving you, baby…"

Amandla shook her head curtly. "It is fine, Lucy, go see Louise I am sure he needs you more than me, I'll come later when I am in better shape. Do you want me to get you something?"

Lucy nodded. "Just come with his favorite. I have to go now, baby take care." She kissed her cheek and ran off.

Once Lucy was out of sight, Amandla sighed, could this day get any worse? She finished her mint chocolate chip ice cream and got another one that she dug in first before she ordered the same for Louise, that was why they got along well. Their taste buds were kind of related not to mention their fashion sense usually making Lucy look odd with her dresses and gowns.

She took her ice cream but her mind drifted to what happened back in school. Today was supposed to be a great day. Patrick had won a competition and he was going to get awarded and propose to her in public, or so she thought, instead the tables turned and he proposed to Amber! Amber of all people, her bloody step-sister or the Miss Royals as she was called. damn, another great reason to hate her more.

When she wanted to understand that it was a misunderstanding Patrick ended up embarrassing her in front of everybody claiming that she was worthless, an illegitimate child, and a curse to the world. She knew she was odd, with a weird fashion sense and tastes but did he have to say that on the platform? The platform she had helped him acquire? Did he consider her feelings?

"You," she heard a man growl, she looked up and saw a white shirt stained with…strawberry ice cream? Her eyes ascended and she met a thin graceful neck, sharp jawline and pale thin pink lips, sharp and well-defined Greek nose, pale moon-like grey eyes, eyes that seemed to hold all the secrets of the world, this being before her was one that should be defined as a god. She knew she had next to no taste but this specimen before her was something else and the only flaw was… he was seriously fuming, no fuming was an understatement, the guy was on the verge of exploding, and she could mentally see smoke coming out of his ears.

"Excuse me, do we know each other?" Well, she had to ask something anyway.

The man's jaw ticked. "Know each other! You just ruined my favorite shirt, this early in the morning dumb head!"

Hey, why was she being nice again? If people could treat her like trash, why shouldn't she do the same? Why was she receiving blows without fighting back? Her stubbornness, her carefree attitude, and her iron head that had remained hidden inside her, that she had suppressed for long was going to resurface in full force, oh dear world, just wait and see. "Ruined your shirt? Are you kidding me? I don't even eat that ice cream!"

"The ice cream is mine, can't you see?" he passed the pink can in front of her eyes. "And you just blindly bumped into me!" normally he wouldn't care for ladies who 'accidentally' bumped into him, but today, today he was going to a serious meeting and it just happened that he was late already not to forget he was wearing the shirt his dead mother gifted to him!

"That ice cream is yours, ptf, give me a break, who even eats that kind of ice cream are you a lady?" one of her talents was irking people to the core and that man just stepped on that nerve.