The home of her dreams (Edited)

She smiled at him and walked to the front of the building her eyes out like saucers. Goodness, this house was something else. The interior was another whole different world. Everything had a tinge of modern and manly touch in cream, grey, and chocolate. The place was breathtakingly beautiful.

Her eyes ran hungrily at the place as she noticed some things, she couldn't even mention like the built-in widescreen in the living room and the sofas she doubted were from the country, maybe they were, but she doubted she had ever seen them. The ceiling had chandeliers from a material she couldn't even guess, but the view…goodness.

She was busy gawking at the house and she didn't notice when her beloved husband approached. "Are you done?"

She spun around immediately and met the ice cream victim, now to think about that, what was his name again? Eer, was it Jeff or Jaison, or was it, Jason? Seeing the conflicted look on her face, Jeff's eyes narrowed. This woman... she didn't even know his name?

"It's Jeff William."

Amandla smiled sheepishly. "My name is Amandla Conradina."

Jeff's brows twitched. "What kind of name is that, are you a specimen?"

Amandla's smile fell. What was this even? The bride and the groom were introducing themselves after marriage. Well, everything was possible in her life. "Can I get a place to change this?" she asked directly, she hated dresses, and honestly speaking, that was the second time she was wearing one. The first was when she was baptized, seventeen years ago when she was three, and the second one, oh well when she was getting married to the pen.

Jeff folded his hands to his chest. "What do you think my house is, a hotel?"

Amandla stared at him in disbelief. "You, f**k you, says the man who sent his pen to marry me?" she sized him and clicked her tongue in annoyance. "And what? Aren't you the one who asked for me to marry you, do you think I was interested?" she rolled her eyes and she noticed that the maids and butler were present, oh, as if she cared.

Jeff's eyes narrowed dangerously. "It was my grandfather's wish. Trust me; if I knew you were the one, I was going to marry I would have killed myself before."

Amandla laughed sarcastically. "What is preventing you from doing that right now, oh," she glimpsed at the servants. "Do you prefer, suffocation, poison, or rope?" she asked with a smile and enjoyed how annoyed he looked.

"You…you woman!" he closed his eyes and took several breaths. "Someone show her where her room is. My grandfather wants to have you for dinner, you better be there by seven."

Amandla sneered before she left with a maid upstairs and at that point, she wished she could swallow the whole house. It was too good to be true. Her room was pretty in cream and chocolate which seemed to be the dominant colors apart from the bright golden glows the corridors had.

"If you need anything, ma'am, just ask, I am Helen." The maid said with a bow. Oh, things were getting interesting, she now even had a maid?

"Thank you," she hastily said and explored the room; she walked to the bathroom and squealed, the bathtub was in gold. The table and drawers were glass while the roof was retractable. She smiled to herself. Hmm, seemed like married life wasn't that bad. Even her room back in her father's house was nothing compared to her closet here. Not that her father couldn't afford a better room for her but because he wanted her to feel inferior and useless, which he was very far from achieving.

Her phone suddenly vibrated from her pocket, she took it and placed the earpiece on her ear. "Yes, Lucy."

"You sound happy, home yet?"

"Marital home, yes. Lucy, you should see this place, video calls me, make it quick."

A little later, she received Lucy's video call and showed her around. "Whoa, you are in heaven Amy." Amandla giggled at that and took Lucy through her room and opened the step-in closet that was filled with gowns. "Whose is that?"

"I don't know, let me call the maid. Helen!"

The maid appeared at the door. "Ma'am."

"That sounds old, call me Amy, hey whose clothes are these, did someone live here?"

"No ma… Amy, the older master arranged them for you, they were bought yesterday."

"Whoa, older master?" Lucy asked from the phone. Amandla turned to the maid.

"Who is the older master?"

"The young master's grandfather."

Oh, she nodded and smiled to the maid warmly. "You may leave Helen."