Dinner finally (Edited)

The house butler personally came to inform her to get ready for dinner in her room, to which she readily agreed. She got dressed in her normal wear and went downstairs. Of course, the surprised look on the butler's face did not go unnoticed by her but she chose to ignore them.

One, she was comfortable in whatever she was in, and two; she knew that they expected her to wear a gown and she was planning to disappoint and annoy them. "The chauffeur is waiting for you outside ma'am," the butler said quietly.

Amandla stopped at the door. "I will be driving myself there."

"But ma'am I am assigned to do that." She turned around and saw a man dressed in black.

"Give me the address. I have said I will go there myself," she used an authoritative tone that made the man bend to her wishes. She took the white and black striped Rolls-Royce Phantom Tranquility and zoomed out of the compound. The address was about ten minutes from the villa where she arrived just at six fifty-five.

Call it punctuality, but at seven, she stepped in the house and was surprised to see Jeff and an old man she assumed to be his grandfather with a bald head, looking humble in a linen house robe, she shrugged, maybe he was just simple, they were seated in the dining room already. She smiled and walked up to them. "Grandfather," she bowed. The man tapped her head and smiled at her.

"Sit." She sat next to him as her husband was opposite her, ignoring the commanding tone which already showed that he was the bossy type. She didn't bother to greet Jeff, assuming everyone knew she didn't like him and neither did he.

"Thanks." she kept her answer brief and short. She wasn't here to impress them and making things clear was more than her priority.

"You drove yourself here?" the old man asked looking at her hand that held the car keys.

"Yes, I am not used to ordering people to do things for me." Her eyes slipped to the table laid with delicacies, from meat to fruits, milk, and wine. She could feel the worms in her stomach jumping in excitement. If only these people would stop asking questions and begin the dinner.

The old man's brows slightly went up. "Even after coming from a well-off family?" Amandla almost choked on her saliva.

"Things aren't the way you think they were." She said curtly and he seemed to get the message.

"What have you worn?" asked what she called husband.

"Food," she looked him in the eyes as he gave her a disgusted look.

"Isn't your closet full of gowns?"

"I don't wear much unless you were expecting me to wear your trousers and shirts?" she lifted one of her brows as if challenging him.

"You… you're unbelievable!"

"Glad you noticed."

Jeff turned to his grandfather. "See, this woman does not even respect me!"

Amandla coughed in mock. "Says the man who sent his pen to get married and couldn't even come to get me for this dinner."

Jeff glared at her and they both looked at the old man before them waiting for him to judge their case. "Is it true that you sent your pen instead of you?" the old man asked staring at his grandson giving him the look of a priest in a cassock. Not that he was dressed as one but he just looked like one in her brain.

"I was busy closing the deal I had failed to close the day someone I know ruined my shirt and made me late."

So, it was payback, she made a mental note. "So, you sent a pen?"

"It was my favorite."

Amandla had to hold her jaw to prevent it from dropping; she turned to the old man. "Imagine, grandpa, I had to kiss a pen. Kiss a pen." She cracked her voice in the end to give it the desired effect.

The old man turned to his left and glared at Jeff. "Is that how you treat a lady!"

Jeff rolled his eyes. "I don't even like her."

"Grandpa if he doesn't confess, I will kill myself, I can't live with such a man." Jeff almost got out of his skin. This woman was going to be the death of him someday.

"Apologize," his grandfather demanded.

"No way, I already married her as per your wish, I am not doing that." He crossed his arms childishly.

"You either apologize or I will freeze your accounts and disown you."

Both Amandla's and Jeff's eyes almost popped out. "You can't do that grandpa, just because of this woman." He pointed to her as if she wasn't a living thing.

"What is so hard about saying sorry, I didn't raise you to become an animal?"

Jeff sighed and mumbled a sorry. "I didn't hear you," Amandla said as she leaned closer to the table to hear him. He mumbled another sorry. "Louder, please, you're very inaudible."

"I said I am sorry," he yelled loud enough for his voice to echo in the mansion.

She smiled victoriously, she hadn't expected things to take that direction but if she could have fun why hold back, what was even there to lose? "Heard you, you are forgiven."

"You should go to hell," he cursed as he took his fork and knife to cut his steak.

Amandla narrowed her eyes and then sighed. "Tsk, such a good grandpa, and he had to get this rotten man for a grandson," she spoke loudly.

"Who did you call rotten?"

She feigned shock. "What, that came out loud, I am sorry it was my thoughts."

Jeff dropped his cutlery. "So that is how you think of me?" he asked trying to control the rage building up in him. He didn't even know how this woman managed to step right on his nerves.

"What did you expect me to think of you, as an angel?"

"Hello," they all turned to the entrance of the dining room where the other brother appeared wearing his pajamas. This house was crazier than she could imagine.