Amandla spent the noon in the kitchen making dishes with Jason for their amusement. "Oh no, this tastes like your marriage!" Jason exclaimed.
Amandla frowned and took the spoon from him, tasting the stew he had been making. She placed the spoon with soup in her mouth, her eyes not leaving Jason's face. "Yuck!" she spat out when his soup came into contact with her taste buds and ran for the tap to run water through her mouth.
"Yep, totally taste like my marriage," she agreed. The soup was bitter, to think of it, bitter than lemon itself. "What did you add?" she narrowed her eyes suspiciously; after all, he was supposed to be making tomato soup.
"My secret," he wiggled his brows and continued stirring the soup.
"As long as you eat it all by yourself, I don't care." She turned to her potato salad and served it.
She had hardly started eating it when they heard voices in the living room. "Jeff's early?"
She shrugged. "I only hoped it's not his harem of girls." Damn, Jeff being home early meant more problems and a longer duration of her suffering. She sighed and got up to check on the guests, after all not just anybody dropped in the villa.
Halfway there, she saw four men seated on the sofas with their legs up, okay, not today, she turned around and was about to live when one of them spoke. "Hey," she turned gingerly.
He jumped on a sofa and approached her, he was an inch shorter than Jeff if not two, and his hair was blonde as compared to Jeff's raven black hair. "Hmm."
"Who is she?" he asked the men in the seat.
"The cursed thing, I told you about."
Amy raised her brows as if agreeing with the loser's remarks. "I am Oliver." He stretched his hand but she didn't bother to take it.
"Amy." The last time, about two weeks ago when she had said her full name, she had been called a specimen.
"Wow, you are cute." Amy's face scrunched and she hoped the thing before her, noticed, she had potato salad waiting for her, and this scumbag before her was wasting her precious time. "Come and meet the rest," he took her hand but she pulled it away.
"I have better things to do than entertain fools." The man before her froze.
She sized him up and down and was about to walk away when the most annoying of them called her. "You woman." She looked at him, her eyes half open, he wasn't even worth her sight. "Get us food."
Thinking of how she was going to make his nut brain understand that all the workers were on leave and the only food present couldn't be considered edible, but wait, why would she bother herself? This was a good opportunity for them to finally taste Jason's cooking. "I'll get the food right now."
She skipped to the kitchen and with Jason's help laid the table. She then stood beside Jeff to see their reaction after they taste the food. Coincidentally, Jeff started with the tomato soup. As soon as he placed it in her mouth, he spat it out on the bowl and Amy couldn't hold her laughter anymore.
She laughed so hard that her ribs ached, she wasn't even done laughing when she saw the bowl of warm tomato soup flying in her direction. "You want to kill me, woman?"
She stopped laughing immediately and suddenly she felt pissed. "You threw the bowl on me?" She wasn't even the one who made the soup neither was the one who asked him to take it. Rage rose in her, the one that she had been trying to suppress for around two weeks. She turned away, stomped her feet angrily on the floor, and walked to her room to change.
"You filthy whore," he yelled from his seat.
She held the stair rail and looked at him, her eyes like infernos. "F***k you, you're the whore, at least I don't go around sleeping with men. F***k the womb that bore you." She struggled hard to make sure her voice didn't crack. F***K them all!
She hurried to her room, got bathed, and slipped into another black robe. Why did he have to ruin every single happiness she was trying to find? If not sending his whores to the house, bringing his gorgeous Stephanie, and making out with her on the sofa. Stephanie herself had taken the trait from her boyfriend and brought her friends over to harass her. She fell on her bed to sleep oblivious to the commotion she had caused downstairs.