Dreams better forgotten (Edited)

"Hey girl," Lucy hugged her as she stepped inside the house. "I missed this grandeur."

She fell on a coach. "Can I get you juice or something?"

Lucy sat up. "I am offended, did you just forget about me?"

Amy blinked. "Vanilla ice cream?"

"Yeah, that will be a peace treaty; I'll be in your room," she said as she walked upstairs humming an unfamiliar tune.

Amy got her ice cream and walked to her room where Lucy was, spread all over her bed as if she owned the room, the price of having a crazy best friend. "Here," she handed her the can and got on the bed sitting with her legs crossed. "So, what is this I hear?" operation gossip began.

Lucy opened the can and started eating the ice cream. "So, he proposed to me!" Amy lifted her lip in what she called a smile.

"Awesome news, at least one of us is still living our dreams."

Lucy hit her. "What are you saying, that husband of yours is a gentleman, I assure you, you are living what do I call it, an impossible dream, girl, open your eyes!"

"Oh, please, you're saying he is a… a what again? He is only behaving that way because he hit his head on some wall a few days ago. Don't get carried away," she moved on the bed. "So, tell me how was the proposal?"

Lucy's cheeks turned pink and Amy had fun poking them. "He proposed to me in Lycabettus hills…"

"O.M. G!" Amy screamed. Her two fingers made their way to her chin. "No wonder he called me to confirm if you ever changed how you would want your proposal to be." She reached out to hug Lucy happy that at least her life was going on well.

"Baby, I don't know how this happened to this innocent soul of yours."

Amy frowned. "What now, you want to ruin the mood, huh?" Lucy shook her head quickly.

"But, girl why don't you seduce your husband, maybe you could make him fall for you."

Amy lifted her hands and stared at the ceiling. "God, why can't this girl simply understand that my life isn't one of the fictional novels she has been reading?" Lucy smacked her head.

"Why are you shouting, huh?"

"Because you don't seem to understand that my life is fine the way it is, things could be worse and besides why should I seduce Jeff, why should I be a villain in his love story, can't you see I have done enough damage? Besides, if you have kids, they will also call me mommy and if Louise gets kids, I will also be their mother. It's nothing big."

"As you say so, thou, I remember how you wanted to see little Amandlas and Patricks, is that dream long gone?" Lucy looked at her friend with concern.

Amy glanced at the bedside table where a lamp was. "I think so, but don't worry, things change, dreams change and people change. The most important thing is to accept change." Lucy embraced her.

"You're strong and I am proud to be your best friend." The two girls hugged unaware of the man who had been eavesdropping on their conversation behind the half-closed door.

So that was how it was huh? Jeff questioned himself and left the house.