Amy took refuge in the vast backyard, an escape from running into the she-devil she didn't want to meet. She called it a break from the world because from where she was; she could see the sky. As the sun set, she got on a rock and lay facing the sky as colors changed. Slowly, she let her breath out. Life.
Clouds moved slowly as the sunset. It was as if nature wasn't in any hurry neither was, she. Going back to the house almost gave her chills but the only thing that made her go back to the house was the knowledge that the guests will be leaving.
Wrong. Very wrong.
The moment she stepped into the living room, she wanted to run back to where she came from. Before she was, Stormy, Roy, Jeff, Jason, and the she-devil were seated comfortably around the dining table. This had to be a joke right? Maybe it was only supper time. Yes, that must be it. She sat next to Jeff and beside Jason realizing that there was an empty seat probably reserved for her.
"Hey Amy we thought you weren't joining us for dinner," Jason greeted cheerfully as he served himself sushi.
"Hey Jason," she answered almost softly as she placed her plate next to him. This seemed to grab Jeff's attention who looked up from his phone. She lifted her brow as if asking him what was up.
"Serve me too, Amy." Then he went back to his phone. Okay, that was a first. Grabbing his plate, she passed it to Jason who protested.
"He can serve himself," he whined. Amy blinked. Was this happening right now? She knew what might follow. Jeff would get mad and answer Jason and the brothers would engage in a never-ending argument.
No matter how much she wanted the drama, the fact that if they prolong the dinner the guests won't leave soon, made her reconsider her idea. So, before Jeff could open his mouth, she took his plate and served him vegetables before moving to the buffet with sushi. Then presented the meal before him.
"Satisfied?" She asked as she watched his face. Jeff lifted his face and gave her something next to a smile. Well, at least he was grateful.
She similarly took her plate from Jason before the she-devil opened her mouth. "I don't want this woman as your wife Jeff!" This made Amy's eyes widen and she paused the spoon that was going to her mouth halfway.