In memory of my mother (Edited)

The next noon found Amy anxiously pacing around the room, her mind clouded with so many negative possibilities that she didn't even notice Jeff get into the kitchen and stood watching her. The only time she noticed him was when her alarm went on reminding her that it was time, forcing her to look up and meet an amused Jeff.

"What is so funny to you," she asked with her hands crossed. Here she was tensing about the guy who found her tensing funny.

"Well, what to say, I have never seen you this anxious, do you happen to be tensed if I will find the surprise you have for me unpleasant?"

Ignoring his question, she walked to him and slightly pushed him to a nearby stool, and went over to the kitchen island so she was in front of him. "Ohm," she fiddled with her hair a bit. "I am not sure if you're going to be okay with this but let me explain why first?"

Jeff nodded, placing his hands on the kitchen island and placing his head on top of them. "I'm all ears."