Little blessings

The next day, Jeff was the first to open his eyes and as he looked around, still sleepily, his eyes met the little body lying on his chest and he found himself smiling. The sun was getting up and it made her look even more angelic. Leave alone the fact that she was dressed in his shirt and for some reason, it turned him on. Maybe he was getting turned on much these days but who cared as long as it was Amy, he was fine.

She stirred in her sleep but didn't wake up, making him hold his breath. All she did was purse her lips and move closer to him and he wrapped his hands around her and looked at her calm face he thought something to himself, he wanted every single day to be that way. He wanted her with him every morning and he was going to make sure that happened. Her even breaths and the warmth she brought to him made him smile as he pulled her closer slowly, delicately making sure she didn't wake up.