Amy's confession

The day went slower for Amy especially when she seemed to do everything quickly but the day still dragged by. Thankfully, she had asked Jeff out for the evening and he had agreed, she only hoped nothing would come up. At four, she left her studio to head over to Jeff's company. She planned to sneak into his penthouse, dress up and wait for him back home when she caught sight of a redhead debating with the receptionist.

Not wanting drama, she tried to make herself invisible and hurried to the top. So, Stephanie hadn't given up, she had thought so, who could give up her money pot? She slipped on the red dress and shoes, did a little make-up, held her hair in a ponytail, and took a deep breathe realizing that she was almost nervous, was this the torture people went through before confession, not to mention when they weren't sure if their partner felt the same. At least she had a clue that Jeff liked her.