Poisoned? System Help!

[It's a redundant question, Host]

'Well don't answer redundantly then, is it a yes or No?' Jon shot back.




"Hey, system? Are you there?"

'F*ck, I will find out on my own' Jon turned his attention back to the place. He monitored the place once more before he moved outside near the bush. He plucked the blueberries one by one until the bush is completely empty of any.

'One, two, three…fourteen, fifteen' Jon counted a total of fifteen berries and put every single one except a single berry inside the pouch. He looked around as he put the last berry inside his mouth.


HP: 60/60

The sudden HP gain startled him.

'Does it increase because of the berry or because it recovered in time?' Jon looked at the Hp and pondered. 'Chances are it increased because of the berry' Jon concluded.

He glanced around but there are no berry bushes.

There is a forest in the distance, so he decided to go there. He had just taken a step forward when he saw something blink in his flank. He looked abruptly tense, but there is nothing.

'Huh, did I imagine it?' Jon shook his head.

"Hey, System can you answer now?"



"My dear system~" because he had no one to talk to he decided to nag the system.

"System, system, Are you there?"

[Shut up Host! Do you want everyone to know you have a system? And what am I? Charlie the ghost?]

"There is no one here anyway" Jon shrugged sheepishly.

[Idiot Host, you are streaming now, any people can watch you]

Jon felt like thunder hit him, he looked around him panicky.

[Don't worry Host, no one is watching your channel now. You aren't the popular guy] the system said making Jon relived.

But he froze at the last comment, 'Hey!! What do you mean, I'm not popular? I may be a virgin but I'm still handsome…' then he noticed the alive count.


'Shit that went down fast' Jon thought. The contest hadn't started for even 10 minutes but already there are nearly 30 contestants eliminated.

'If this goes on, I may not be the last one standing' Jon became tenser. His grip on the dagger tightened as he looked around him, he quickly ran and hid behind the trees.

He basically lost on what to do. When he played this style of game in his school days, he didn't place that much importance and wandered around killing others whenever he saw one or dying at their hand. But now with something important in hand, he doesn't want to mess up.

Then he thought of the system.

"hey system, what is your name again?'

[Profound Choice system]

'Oh, got it, then what should I do next?'

[Host can do what the host wants to do]

'Well, don't you give out any task? You know the missions and all?' Jon said. If it gives out a mission he would have a next direction from which he develops onto.

[The system isn't a controlling maniac]

'Hey, are you going to just exist in my head and not make a move? Wouldn't the protagonist in other novels already get themselves a couple of trump cards? Alas, I got you' Jon lamented.

But the system is adamant about remaining silent. He could only shake his head and moved deeper inside the woods, he will just see for himself. His stomach let out a hungry cry once more, he could eat the berries but that would mean he would waste them, it's better used when his health is down.

'I need to find some other thing that I can eat' Jon was on the lookout ever since he left the cottage but there seem to be no food. 'Ah, how good it would be if the rabbit is still here' He thought of the hare that scared the shit out of him, and could not help salivate.

As he thought so, suddenly the bush near him started shaking.

This stopped him, 'Is that the rabbit?' with the expectation he exerted the knife ready to stab the rabbit. But what he didn't expect is for a snake to come flying instead.

'Shit' he hurriedly waved his knife about, though the knife did cleave the snake into two and killed it, his shoulder was bitten.

The HUD updated, besides his name, a state got added

JON (poisoned)

=>Poisoned: each minute you will lose 10 points of HP.



Pts 0

'Seriously?!!!' Jon cursed his luck.


The damage point rose, he quickly stuffed a berry in his mouth but the HP only increased, the Poisoned state didn't disappear.

He stuffed another and another when ten berries had vanished and the HP bar went back to full, but the Poisoned state still didn't disappear.

'I have to find some sort of antidote right?' Jon worried and looked around but the Andiote would not just fall when needed.

"System, System. I'm poisoned"

[I can see that Host]



Another damage rose.

He got only five more minutes until he died.

[Ding! Request received, creating choices….]

[1. Do nothing mentioned below. Reward: Nothing

2. kill every opponent indiscriminately. Reward: You will die and become undead and immune to most fleshly alignments.

3. Kill the opponent if threatened. Reward: +10 Medkit]

'Bastard system, didn't you say, you aren't controlling? But why are you forcing me to choose?' Jon already knows the Medkit should be able to help him, if not cure him of the poisoned state, it should at least be able to increase his HP exponentially. but the choice is he can't kill people indiscriminately, 'isn't that against the very concept of Battle-Royale?' he could not complain but agree to it.

[The host doesn't understand the profoundness of the system's action]

While his mouth is complaining; his hands were honest and chose the third option.

[Choice selection successful. You have received +10 Medkit]

[Do you want to withdraw +10 Medkit?]

'Yes, withdraw one, fast'


He felt that his pouch increased in weight.

[Remaining MedKit: 9]

He opened it hurriedly and saw a small box with a plus symbol on top. He opened it to find a vial and a syringe. He grabbed them and injected himself with a shot.

The poisoned state disappeared and the HP bar filled out.





Pts 0

Jon finally let out a relieved sigh.