Joining a Crew.

When Luffy woke up from his sleep, the first thing he said was, "Where's my hat??"

Looking everywhere he found Kei sitting on stool while wearing strange device on his ears. While Sanji was on the wooden balcony breathing in the fresh air.

Hearing the sound, Kei, turned his head towards Luffy, who was searching frantically for something.

"Oh, you woke up? Must be looking for this right??" Kei grabbed the attention of Luffy, while bringing the Straw Hat out of this air.

"OOOOO, Amazing!!!" said Luffy with stars in his eyes, while taking his hat from Kei. "Thank you ahh…?? What was your name again!??" said Luffy while looking at Kei.

"Hahah, Oh My name is Genji D Keisuke, Nice to meet you Luffy!" Kei said while stretching his hand towards Luffy.

"Oh!! Wow you are also D?, like mine, My name is MOnkey D Luffy!...By the way how did you took my Hat out of nowhere??" asked Luffy while forgetting about D matter.

Nodding his head, Kei took his Headphones and made it disappeared in thin air.

"Woowow!! Clap Clap" clapping his hand in amazement, Luffy asked Kei, "You, Do you want to join my crew??" said Luffy while shaking Kei's hand.

"Ok, Captain!" Kei said to Luffy without thinking. "Hahahaha! Yay, we got two new Members!!" shouted luffy while removing his bandage.

"Two? Are you talking about that Swirly??" Kei intentionally teased Sanji.

"You, Once again, said Swirly, damn it, I will kill you!!" said Sanji while continuing, "And when did I said I will join your crew?? I refuse!" said Sanji.

"Ok, I will give up on you!!" said Luffy while grabbing on Sanji's Coat.

"Don't say something and do other thing!!" shouted Sanji, from this two annoying guys.

"But you know, One of this days I want to go on Grandline!" said Sanji, while puffing the smoke.

"Let's go to Sea, right now!" said Luffy while sitting on the edge of wooden grill.

"Not yet though, as the cook on this ship are unreliable, like yesterday!" said Sanji, while suddenly changing the topic. "Hey, do you know about All Blue??

"No" Luffy replied back, blankly as this was his first time, hearing this term.

"What!! YOu never heard of the Ocean of Miracles??!! Well you see in All Blue…" Sanji started to explain Luffy about ALL BLUE with excited face and joyfully.

Kei felt as though someone was observing him from above, only to find Owner Zeff, pointing his index finger on his lips, Indicating to keep quiet. While I also understand his intention.

"What All Blue???, That kind of thing doesn't exist." said Kei in bored manner. Making Sanji angry, so much that he grabbed Kei's collar.

"What!! You don't believe me?" asked Sanji biting his cigarette end.

"Yes, I don't believe any word from the person who haven't even travelled Sea, So No, I think All Blue is just fa–" As Kei kept on saying this things in bored manner he was greeted by Sanji's punch.

"If you don't want to believe than don't believe, but never ever say that it is FAKE!!!" said Saji.

While Kei, punched him back and said, "Hmph! I don't want to hear more from you, Idiot!" saying this I walked towards the Employee Dining Hall on 2nd floor.

"Oye Luffy, I am going to eat food, Do you want to come??" asked Kei without turning his back.

"Yes!!, Meat,Meat, O, Kei, don't forget about our deal!" said Luffy while running after Kei.

"Yes Yes!" said Kei and continued walking.

While Sanji also stood up while holding his punched Cheek silently and followed them.

Inside Baratie 2nd Floor , Employee Dining Hall.

"Hey, who was the one incharge of cooking today?" asked one of the chef.

"That'd be me!" said Patty, while Carne followed him, "And ME!"

"Oh, one of the hellish duo? Guess it's nothing to look forward then." said One of the chef.

Just shut your traps and eat , YOu Boiled Brain idiots!!" roared Patty in annoyance at the Chef who commented.

While Kei and Luffy sat on the floor and started to eat their fill, Sanji asked in confusion, "Hm?, Hey..Where's our seat??"

"There ain't no chair for yaa" said one of the Chef.

"Hehe he, Just eat on the floor, like those guys!!" said the other chef , while pointing at Kei and Luffy.

"No chairs?! This is a restaurant, How's that freakin' possible!!" shouted Sanji in confusion.

"Something strange about them.." said Luffy quietly, when he was distracted from his analyzation by Kei, "Oye, that's my Meat piece!!" roared Luffy in anger.

While Kei apologized, "Sorry Luffy, I ate it by mistake… Oye that's my Shrimp, you bastard!!" roared Kei at Luffy in anger.

"Sorry, I ate it by Mistake!!" said Luffy while eating other food.

"Luffy you did it intentionally right!!...." shouted Kei, while they kept on fighting among themselves without slowing the speed of eating.