Captain Nezumi.

As Sanji was bickering to Luffy about his actions. Zoro turned his attention towards person besides Luffy, who was wearing strange device on his ears.

He felt some kind of pressure instinctively. He called Yosaku who was beside him, talking to Johnny, "Oye, Yosaku, who's that person, beside luffy??".

"Oh, you must be talking about Kei-Aniki, he is one of crew Member of Luffy-Aniki."

"Oh~" nodded Zoro while staring at Kei.

Feeling Zoro's stare Kei, lifted up his head and nodded back with a smile as a greeting, to which Zoro also habitually nodded back as a acknowledgement.

Kei, removed his Headphones and hung it on his neck and called out to luffy, "Oye , Luffy, I'm going to take a walk inside the Village."

"Ok!!" Luffy nodded his head in understanding and went back to sleep.

Standing straight and patting the dust off his pants, he started to walk towards the Village.

As Kei was outside the Village entrance, he saw a Long nosed guy running towards his direction. Knowing who he was, he greeted him, "Hello there Ussop."

To which Ussop also greeted the person unconsciously, "Ahh, Hello!" saying this he kept on running, while after running for a while, he thought to himself, "By the way who was that…?"

Kei nodded his head and kept on walking towards Village where he found Marine people standing behind a Rat looking faced person. He was wearing hoody like Uniform. It must be that scum Captain Nezumi.

Who sold this Village control over Arlong for money. While he would get some bribe from Arlong to keep quiet about the happening on this Island. Well the money which Arlong gave was ofcourse from Nami's hardwork, sweat and pain.

Thinking about it and seeing that Nasty smile, he felt a strong urge to tear that bastard right now and here!

Feeling a strong Blood thirst, Nezumi shivered in fear, while his whiskers pointed upwards in alert. He looked around his surrounding to find the source of blood thirst, only to lost it's location.

Kei calmed his emotions as it wasn't time to do that. While he started to follow Nezumi and his troops who were led by Genzo, the sherrif of the Cocoyashi Village.

Luffy also saw Kei who was following behind the crowd of Genzo, but when he saw Kei, keeping his index finger over his lips, Luffy kept quite and kept looking at them. While he was remembering the spinning wheel, and thought of another new move.

Nami who came out of Bellmere's house and was standing in the orange field, saw Genzo, and the Marine people who were following him.

"Gen-s-san?" thought Nami in her head.

Nezumi, stopped Genzo, from moving ahead of him. Taking a step forward he started to speak, "Chi Chi Chi, I'm Captain Nezumi of the Marine's 16th Branch,...You must be Nami, The Criminal Thief."

Listening to Nezumi, she nodded her head and accepted his labelling as 'Criminal', 'Thief'. While suddenly she felt a bad premonition welling up inside her heart.

Without wasting time Nezumi started to talk, "I have received reports of your thievery…, From what I've heard you steal treasures from pirates, Since all your victims were pirates, we have decided to lay all the charges against you."

"But a thief is a thief and a crime is a crime, So i will cut to chase, Since all those treasure were from crime, they will be given back to government, so they can be returned to their rightful owners Chi Chi Chi." said

" Chi Chi Chi, So, I want all those goods, returned to me, right here and now!" said Nezumi, while making a disgusting face and having fun while seeing at Nami's shocked face.

Genzo felt shocked and disgusted at this Captain of Marine. He was so angry that he wanted to shoot this bastard and bury him right here.

"Search her house and other places!" ordered Nezumi, to which his underling heeded the command.

Nami was angry at Marine's action, where they arrogantly entered someones house and walk without asking the owner of the house.

When Nami tried to stop the Marine Soldier, Genzo finally roared at Nezumi saying that the Money belonged to the Village, inorder to save the Village from the hand of Arlong.

Nami was shocked when she came to know that Genzo knew all about her sacrifices along with all Villagers, but they acted as they didn't see it .

Nami they turned her head towards Nezumi and asked him, "Was this Arlong's Idea!!"

Watching her dispirited look, he smiled disgustingly and said, "I'm just working under Government and it's my Natural duty of persecuting the thieves…, and what if it was 'his' idea, Chi Chi Chi" laughed Nezumi in joy.

Lastly Nami lost her cool and started to run towards Nezumi with the intent to kill him, "Bastard, Scum, YOu!!, And that Arlong!!!"

Seeing this Genzo rushed hurriedly towards Nami, from letting her do anything unnecessary.

While Nojiko who also heard and saw the play, ran towards Nami.

Nezumi took a Flint Pistol from his Uniform Pocket and aimed it at Nami, while Nojiko came infront of Nami.

"Click…" Sound of pulling the trigger

As he was about to shoot, he suddenly felt a strong blood thirst from his behind and he unconciously shoot behind. But he found no one behind him.

Suddenly he saw, that his Flint Pistol was cut cleanly into two parts, making him scared of his life. When he thought of running , he felt a cold blade over his neck.

[A/N: Well he used his Spare Katana instead of Muradasame, so that's why he isn't poisoned to death yet :) ]

"Move and your head will fly away~" said Kei in a deep growl like voice. Which registered deeply into Nezumi's soul. Scaring his soul out of his body.

"Y-YYou, w-what are y-you doing!!, I am a M-Marine CAPTAI–" as he was about to shout about his position. He felt little blood flow out of his neck, making him so scared that he kept his mouth shut.

After which he turned his gaze towards the lowly dog followers of Marine Soldiers. "If any of you move, then I will kill your Captain along with all of you!!!" Kei's aura of blood thirst scared all the Marine soldiers.

While Nami and Nojiko were also a little scared of this bloodthirst aura. While Genzo looked thoughtfully at Kei, trying to fight the scary pressure, emitted by the unknown boy.

When Kei spoke, Nezumi hurriedly ordered everyone, "All of y-you, hurry, drop all y-your W-Weapons!! And stand away from those three!!!" said Nezumi in panic.