Enjoying the fight.

Luffy and Arlong started to fight against each other.

Zoro and Hatchan, each brandished their swords. Hatchi with 6 swords in his hands. Attacked using his Six Sword styled move called 'The Tentacle Sword Overload!', which Zoro deflected easily.

Zoro decided to use his Three style sword move 'Onigiri'. Hatchi used his Octopus Pot stance attack poining all the tips of 6 swords at One point, making it look like cage. When Hatchi thought that Zoro's move would be blocked, inturn , it destroyed all his 6 swords in to fragments.

Taking this chance, Zoro decided to give Hatchi final blow, when he was open, without any thing to defend himself. He used 'Dragon Twister' move.

Being without sword Hatchi decided to go all out using his punches, to overcome Zoro's attack, but in turn, he was sent flying in the air, in circle, and fell down on the ground.

When Zoro decided to kill Hatchi, he was stopped by Kei's voice, "Zoro, don't kill, Hatchi, He is innocent, other than him, all are guilty."

Zoro nodded his head in understanding and came beside him. While in turn he would take glance at Kei's sword. He was quite curious to know, which sword is this.

When Kurrobi, who was fighting against Sanji, saw the defeated Hatchi, he got angry. In his anger, he got distracted by getting kicked by Sanji, who used his kick moves, consequently.

"Collier!(on his voice box area side)..Epaule!…(on the back of neck, sticking his face on ground)...Cotellete!(behind his back, on spinal cord)...Poitrinte!(on the right chest side)"

After making a distance Kuroobi, who was hurt, used 'The Thousand break fist - Big Guffaw Palm'. But before he could touch Sanji. He was kicked continuously on his upper area ranging from face, chest and stomach with 'Mutton Mallet'.

Finally defeating Kuroobi unconscious.

While Ussop who was running in the field area, was punched and beaten by chew. But Ussop threw Alcohol bottle towards chew, who punched it, in heat of the moment.

Then Ussop used 'Fire Shot' to set chew abalze on flame, who was crying his lungs out. After falling in the paddel field filled with water, the flame on chew were extenguished. But as he was showing the sign of getting up, he was hammered by Ussop, using 'Ussop Hammer', move.

Until Chew was eyes went upward and becoming white.

Luffy who was fighting against Arlong was battered with blood. As Arlong used Shark Tooth, biting Luffy with his sharp teeth. Making Luffy shout in pain.


Arlong dived inside the water and used another move 'Shark Dart', while projecting his sharp nose towards Luffy, who was left with deep cut.

Arlong once again used 'Shark Dart' attack from Mid-air, when Luffy suddenly extented his fingers and trapped Arlong in 'Finger Net' attack.

Slamming Arlong on the ground using 'Finger Net' attack,he used 'Gomu Gomu no Spear' attack, directly stomping on Arlongs Chest, making him puke blood.

Feeling the intense pain, Arlong went mad, where his pupil, contracted in to convex shaped.

He grabbed his tooth shaped sword , and started to attack luffy who jumped on the Arlong Park's builing until they reached Nami's Cartographer room. Where Arlong asked Luffy, that can he use and squeeze all potential from Nami, like him.

Luffy silently heard this and broke Arlongs Sword, while staring at him with piercing gaze, shocking Arlong and breaking his ongoing demeanor.

Understanding that Nami was held on by Arlong was because of this room he started to break all the stuff in her room.

Finally he stretched his leg, until it pierced the upper floor and came out of roof, until it was seen by all Villagers.

Arlong twisted crazinly like a tornado and used his Sharp teeth to bit Luffy at his Chest and stomach area, making him cry in pain.

But Luffy resisted the pain and converted that pain into his power, using 'Gomu Gomu no Battle Axe' direcly splitting the whole building into two, and slamming it on Arlong who was biting Luffy.

The Arlong Park's tallest building was destroyed to pieces. Where Villager's were able to see Unconcious Arlong lying like a rag doll.

Luffy dug his way out of those wooden debris and stood on top of it. While looking at Nami.

"..." Everyone.

"Nami…you're my Nakama..!!!!" Luffy shouted with all his might, to not let her forget and announce to all the Villagers.



Meanwhile Nami, got so emotional, that she started to cry tears, Tears of Joy!!

Biting her lower lip, while holding herself back, she nodded her head and replied, "..Ok.."

While all the Villagers were laughing happily, with Genzo and Nojiko smiling lovingly at Nami's unique Nakama.

Nami walked towards Luffy and placed his hand on his head back. While they clapped their hands with each other.